Santillanez accepts new role at Select Sires Inc.

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Select Sires Inc. is excited to announce that Ernesto Santillanez of Ada, Ohio has been promoted to associate vice president of Select dairy solutions technologies. Santillanez will administer reproductive-based technical service and communications, develop, and coordinate employee training, and provide sales support and solutions for Select Sires’ dairy and beef customer-owners. In addition, he will provide technical assistance to the CowManager® sales and services network.

Santillanez has more than 20 years of experience in employee management and training. He was born and raised in California. He later managed his father-in-law’s large dairy in Lovington, New Mexico as well as dairy herds in the Southwest United States and Central Ohio. He held various positions with AFIMILK where he conducted application support and sales for the Eastern United States, Canada, and South America before joining the Select Sires staff. His bilingual skills are extremely valuable as he will collaborate with Hispanic labor in their native language to provide training or troubleshoot reproductive issues.

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