On-Farm Trial AccelAIRate


Respiratory tract infections, like bovine respiratory disease (BRD), are one of the most common and costly illnesses affecting cattle worldwide. While calf-rearing programs aim to keep calf mortality low, optimize calf growth, and maintain calf health for fertile and productive animals, young calves are vulnerable to disease. The leading causes of calf deaths on U.S. dairies are respiratory disease and scours. In young calves, BRD can manifest as pneumonia, with clinical signs including coughing, nasal discharge, labored breathing, increased respiratory rate, and lower feed intake. Even if calves survive a respiratory tract infection, there are subsequent effects on growth and performance such as reduced fertility rates, compromised lifetime health and ultimately, efficient milk production. High levels of calf morbidity lead to greater antimicrobial use and the potential for antimicrobial resistance, one of the leading health concerns in human and veterinary medicine worldwide.1 The impact of respiratory disease and treatment methods also contribute to animal welfare concerns. 

Given the economic impact of BRD and the potential for antimicrobial resistance, there is a growing emphasis on preventive measures such as vaccination, improving cattle management practices, optimizing nutrition, and providing proper ventilation. Early detection and prompt treatment of affected animals is essential to reducing the severity of BRD outbreaks and minimizing economic losses. AccelAIRate was developed in response to consumer concerns and pressure to reduce medication usage and improve animal welfare. Now with a completed on-farm trial, there is outstanding evidence to support AccelAIRate’s success!

How It Worked:

3,100 calves were fed AccelAIRate at a half dose based on animal body weight for an extended period. Body weights and pneumonia treatment data were collected and analyzed from August 2022 through May 2023. 


 Supplementing AccelAIRate at half dose for an extended period has reduced the usage of antibiotics and cut pneumonia treatment by 72.6% and 83% on-farm while improving average daily gain by an additional 0.28 lb to 0.55 lb depending on the calf’s age. 


1Hawkey and Jones, 2009.


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